
Beinan Cultural Park
Wenhuagongyuan Rd., Nanwang Village, Taitung City
Free admission (except visitor center: 30NDT)
Tu-Su 9AM-5PM

Associated with the Museum of Prehistory the Beinan Cultural Park contains the largest and most important prehistoric archaeological site in Taiwan. Beyond the archaeological site the park also consists of beautiful grounds with a commanding view of the surrounding area. Tours in Chinese begin twice a day at 10am and 3pm. English tours must be planed in advance.

Taitung County Tourist Info
Old Railway Station on Tiehua Rd.
On the South side of downtown.

This might be a good first stop in finding information on any local aboriginal or temple events that are gong on. As well as maps and general information.

Taitung Railway Art Village
Tiehua Rd (鐵花路)
At the old railway station

Taitung City converted several buildings of the old railway station into a exhibition space for local artists and artist in residence.

Taitung Culture and Tourism Center
25 Nanjing Rd (南京路)

Two buildings really, one houses the tourism center and library. The other has exhibition spaces, one of which houses the Aboriginal Artifacts Exhibition.

Tianhou Temple
Jhonghua Rd. one block south of Sihwei Rd 1st Section.

While there are seemingly temples on every block this one dedicated to Mazu Matsu is ornately decorated and quite popular, especially on Mazu's birthday 23rd day of the 3rd lunar month — generally April or May.